Do you like numbers and %'s? You don't understand why your rabbit keeps dying and failing. Here we will write down all the percentages and math about our project.
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Do you like numbers and %'s? You don't understand why your rabbit keeps dying and failing. Here we will write down all the percentages and math about our project.
Last updated
Karrot protocol variables:
Debase: +-9% day.
KARROT/ETH for rabbit mint price: We will manually adjust the amount of $KARROT required to mint from time to time, to keep it fair depending on the KARROT/ETH (USD) value.
Smol/Big vault timer: 24h.
Full vault timer: 4 days.
Stolen $KARROT pool epoch duration: 24h
% Full protek of the total tvl to protek claims from rabbits: 33% + min. amount.
There is 100% chance of getting 1/4 (25%) of your $KARROT rewards stolen at claim - if you are not Full protekd.
$RABBIT rarity minting chances: 10% diamond - 30% gold - 60% white.
Multiplier based on the rarity of $KARROT stolen from the pool by $RABBIT: White x1, Gold x2.5, Diamond x5.
Rabbit supply available at each cycle: Manually adjusted based on the number of holders and demand.
Chance of losing 1 hp while attacking with $RABBIT: 50%.
The number of health points (HP) of each $RABBIT: 5.
Chance of $RABBIT successfully stealing $KARROT from the pool: 33%.
$RABBIT cooldown to try to steal again: 8h.
The % APR formula:
K = $KARROTs per day
Reward per block = rB = 13M
Blocks per day = bD = x1 each 12s around
p = 0.9 for Big Vault or 0.1 for Smol vault
price of $KARROT in ETH = pT
TVLv = TVL of the vault (Big or Smol)
3,324,324,324,357 (100%) Total $KARROT supply
1,162,118,417,524.95 (35%) Pre-sale
166,216,216,217 (5%) Team
1,329,729,729,74 (40%) Liquidity
664,864,864,871 (20%) Airdrop Arb users
Liquidity at launch : 82.5k (ETH) 82.5k ($KARROT)
Marketcap at launch: 165k
Presale Raise: 87.5K