Love em' or hate em', they will steal your karrots regardless.


The infamous Rabbit Gang reflects their power on $RABBIT, a soul-bound token (non-transferable).

Only a limited amount of rabbits will be mintable per day.

Rabbits will only be obtainable by minting them with $KARROT and they will be divided into 3 “rarities” randomly obtained at mint: White-Gold-Diamond, with “White” behind the least powerful and “Diamond” the strongest one.

Each wallet can only have 3 rabbits; a re-roll to try to mint a better rarity is available in the site's top corner of the Rabbit card.

Re-roll is available only for $RABBIT that never tried to steal/attack (fail or success is the same).

You will still be able to claim your stolen $KARROT at the end of the epoch even if the $RABBIT dies on the last attack.

The $KARROT amount needed to mint a rabbit will depend on the $KARROT/ETH value ratio, to keep it adaptable to market conditions.

The $KARROT used to mint the $Rabbit will be 80% put in the "Stolen $KARROT pool" and 20% burned.

Your rabbits will have a chance to steal $KARROT from the Smol and Big Vaults rewards every 8 hours, but be careful with them - Rabbits don’t last forever, they may die.

Every time you try to steal $KARROT with your rabbit, the little furry animal has a 50% chance of losing "health points".

Every 8 hours, rabbit holders can try to steal their share of the pool.

The pool share stolen by each rabbit will also depend on their rarity.

The $KARROT “lost” during the claim process will go to a pool.

$RABBITs will be able to claim their share of the "Stolen $KARROT pool" at the end of each epoch - every 24h.

Last updated